You are currently viewing Zelex Releases New SLE Sex Dolls with New Heads & Bodies

Zelex Releases New SLE Sex Dolls with New Heads & Bodies

After releasing their innovative Inspiration Series over a year ago, Zelex is back with their latest innovation: SLE. Standing for “Safe, Less-vinyl, Elastomer,” it’s a new silicone-based material. According to Zelex, this material is soft, durable, lightweight, and non-toxic. Additionally, it features ultra-realistic skin texture and details, a more durable vagina, and lower cost. These all sound like nice upgrades that solve many important issues such as softness, durability, and weight. With the launch of their SLE Collection, they released many new heads and bodies.

Zelex SLE Promo Banners

The ZX164G Body

First up is the ZX164G (164cm) body. It’s a fit, well-proportioned body with round hips and toned abs. Weight-wise, it’s still relatively heavy so the SLE material isn’t significantly lighter. Of the heads you’ll see below, they all have “ROS” with Head ZXE200 being my favorite. They all look like models or celebrities.

Zelex SLE ZX164G Body with Head ZXE200

Zelex SLE ZX164G Body with Head ZXE202

SLE ZX164G Body with Head ZXE203

Zelex SLE ZX164G Body with Head ZXE204

The SLE ZX172E Body

Next, we have the ZX172E (172cm) body. This body is tall and slim, with fairly small breasts for an E-cup. It looks fit and well-proportioned, and as you’ll see, the LHP is quite good as well. I particularly like Head ZXE201. Not only does she look pretty and cute, her opened ROS mouth looks quite natural.

Zelex SLE ZX172E Body with Head ZXE201

Zelex SLE ZX172E Body with Head ZXE203

SLE ZX172E Body with Head ZXE205

The SLE ZX166K Body

Next up, we have the ZX166K (166cm) body. It’s slim like the 172cm, but with much larger breasts – perfect for those who like busty, petite bodies. Head ZXE208 with the micro bikini highlights these puppies very well. Meanwhile, Zelex seems to like Head ZXE203 because she’s shown on every body thus far.

Zelex SLE ZX166K Body with Head ZXE203

Zelex SLE ZX166K Body with Head ZXE208

The SLE ZX160J Body

Next is their shortest, but thickest and heaviest body. With large breasts, wide hips, and a thin waist, it’s an exaggerated fantasy BBW body that some people will like.

SLE ZX160J Body with Head ZXE206

The SLE ZX171C Body

Most recently, Zelex released a new ZX171C (171cm C-cup) body. It’s tall and slim – similar to the ZX172E – but with smaller breasts. A great body for people who like tall and petite women.

SLE ZX171C Body with Head ZXE201


Zelex also shared two videos, one that demonstrates the softness, and another that shows the close-up details of the body.

Overall, this was a huge surprise from Zelex. Although they introduced many innovations and trends last year (Inspiration Series and sucking vagina), they’ve been somewhat quiet since then. Their latest SLE material appears to be upgrade for basically the same price. Since it comes with many attractive heads and bodies from the get-go, it makes choosing their SLE collection easy. However like always, there aren’t any reviews yet since it’s new. Also keep in mind that SLE is basically a new silicone blend by Zelex; it’s not an entirely different material. All-in-all, I’m a fan of this release. Mainly since I advocate improving dolls first (such as the material, softness, and weight) before introducing all the weird electronics and options. This seems like a notable improvement for Zelex.

Thoughts on Zelex’s latest SLE Collection with many new heads and bodies? Comment below!

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Arnold

    I think its the best low budget doll you can get, but a low budget doll is mostly also for someone who start with dolls… and there the problem comes already… the weight of the doll.
    Also… I think its a brand working on the outside of the doll, ofc that is a plus, but what about the technical matters inside the doll?
    I mean it is a low budget doll, so can you compair the skeleton for example with a Jiusheng, Tayu, or something like SM-Doll?!

    1. Rudy

      Zelex is for sure budget doll – maybe they got better – but my one year old doll: almost 40 kg, at first toxic smell of plastic from all her body, especially super strong toxic smell from her pubic hair (so long licking of her pussy was not possible at first) – it got better during time – but there is still some small toxic smell from her pubic hair even now, her body feels like some common plastic, her gell but got defflated from lying (I did not use pillows under her back and legs to lift her butt, for example my Realdoll petite doll still have soft but even after 3 years of lying on it – now I have the Realdoll on the doll stand), and the most important – her (Zelex) gell breasts was very soft at first – but they got bigger, swollen – and now are very hard to push – I told it to a vendor – they told it to Zelex – so maybe they will start using more quallity materials? The head 95 gives good blow-jobs, but Tayu is much much better at this. I recently made cosplay with my Zelex doll:

      1. Arnold

        Even you have not such good experiences with Zelex, I thank you for your this informative part about Zelex… very helpful.

      2. Serg

        Thanks for the review. The smell, or rather the absence of it is very important to me. Is your doll made of SLE or TPE? The maker claims that SLE is odor free and non toxic, I wanna believe it, because it seems to be the most affordable one on the market.

        1. Rudy

          It is silicone doll – the smell is now almost comletely gone now, but it took a while. Anyway I still recommend to go with Tayu doll – she is very light (not heavy) and the joints are easy to move – she can be easily positioned.

          Maybe because of bad manipulation – legs of my Fanreal doll became harder to move – especially the left one – and a few days ago it got broken – it is completely loose – which is very big bother.

          I am also expecring Gynoid doll – she is on the way now.
          And also waiting for my new Fanreal doll with custom-made face/head – with fanreal the skin is very pleasant to touch – but it seems to be just painting – beneath it is just white silicone.

  2. Adam

    Hello!! Do you know which body is the one from the second video? Thanks!!

  3. Douglas

    Any idea if it is possible to get any head on each of the four body types? It seems like this line isn’t meant to have any customization options.

  4. Jackson

    Does the SLE have gel material?

  5. Jackson

    This new SLE brand sure is nice. I love how they are making new materials and what not. I would like to see nee doll materials soon!

  6. ItsAme

    They need to fix the shoulders on those taller dolls and make the arms thicker, the 160 looks acceptable (but still need thicker arms), the others are extremely off-putting honestly, not really a new issue for Zelex though.

  7. Arnold

    Actually ZXE201 is the first head I really like of Zelex.

  8. IconOkee

    I hope it’s better or as good as SinoDoll’s pro soft max

    1. Arnold

      It isnt at all, but I do like this new silicone mix doesnt have gel areas, gel leaks to many brands away, so it can be the solution for those brands to fix these problems.
      However, Zelex are still low budget dolls, its hard to compair them to high-end brands.

      1. DontBe

        @arnold How do you know if it is better or not already before you even have one? And there are no reviews? Are you a vendor?

        1. Arnold

          Ive seen many many vids from Sino as well Zelex, but Sino is jiggling till now the most realistic to a rl person Ive seen thusfar and it stops jiggling at areas where it not must jiggling that much… and that is exactly the difference between them.

      2. Arnold

        Well I said in my post the SLE dont have gel areas, but Ive seen gel options to the vendors… do you know what it is, SEXDOLLS?
        If it have to be with gel to get that jiggling, it should be again not a solution for the gel leaking problems.

        1. SEXDOLLS

          Hi Arnold,
          From several vendors’ descriptions, the SLE collection has gel breasts and gel butt by default. Zelex seemed to confirm this on TDF so it does have gel areas.

          1. Arnold

            Thx for to confirming this, SEXDOLLS.
            I know someone ordered just one, so soon we hear more about it, but its already a bit dissapointment its again just done with gel, I was actually hoping they found a very very soft silicone mix and can replace the gel areas with this new mix, we will also hear soon what mix it is, bc in China nothing last long till the secret will be dismantled, however I have my thoughts about what they did with the silicone.

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