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YearnDoll’s Oral Structure & Moveable Jaw Heads

Back in February 2023, I wrote about an upcoming brand hitting the Japanese market called Yearndoll here. At the time, there was little-to-no information about them. Unfortunately 4 months later, there’s still no new information (other than they’re related to Cosdoll). However, Yearndoll isn’t a one-off brand that released a few things, and then disappeared. In the past few months, they released many new heads, including “oral structure and moveable jaws.” As mentioned before, they make very beautiful and attractive, Japanese-inspired heads. This post isn’t to endorse them in any way, but rather, a little field trip to look at some of their photos.

Note: “ROS” is a term created by WM, which stands for “Real Oral Sex.” However, some people and brands use it interchangeably with “oral structure and moveable jaw.” To reduce wordiness, I’ll use “ROS” to mean the latter, even though it’s not technically correct.

158cm Body with Head Y201

Yearndoll’s first ROS head with a cute Japanese face that’s fitting on this slim 158cm body.

159cm Body with Head Y201

The same head as before, but on the 159cm body this time. “Teeth brushing” is a clever use of the moveable jaw.

163cm Body with Head Y202

Yearndoll’s 2nd ROS head with smaller and more seductive eyes. Personally, I prefer this to the wide-eyed doll look.

163cm Body with Head Y203

Head Y203 has a Japanese, yet slightly more Western look to it. The photographer did a great job with the lighting, giving the skin a nice shading and glow.

163cm Body with Head Y204

Yet another cute Japanese face with a calm and natural appearance.

163cm Body with Head Y206

Head Y206 is a dark contrast to previous photos. Here, she looks a bit like Street Fighter’s Chun Li.

163cm Body with Head Y206

Most recently, they shared a new photoset of Head Y206 in a wedding dress. She looks very different compared to before.

163cm Body with Head Y207

Head Y207 is yet another pretty head, although maybe a bit generic. It doesn’t quite stand out as much as the previous heads.

158cm Body with Head Y208

Last but not least, is possibly the cutest head. Head Y208 has a youthful, Japanese schoolgirl type of look with a bit of poutiness mixed in.


As of today, Yearndoll has released eight Y200 series heads, all of which have “oral structure and moveable jaw.” I purposely skipped Head Y205 since they used AI on those photos (probably a placeholder until they find a photographer). In terms of bodies, they’re the same ones from 4 months ago; they haven’t released any new ones. The 163cm seems to be their flagship body since they feature it the most.

While these photos are nice and all, it’s time for the big question. Is Yearndoll a brand worth considering? Unless you want to gamble, I would say “no” right now (only because it’s risky). At the moment, there are little-to-no reviews, and Cosdoll (the parent company) is generally considered a lower-end brand. Even Chinese forum members were hesitant, and couldn’t determine where they’re made.

The only “review” I found was a Japanese customer saying the 158cm’s neck was too thick, in which Cosdoll replied and said they would fix the mold. Some in-person photos did resemble the promo photos minus the lighting. Ultimately, the promo photos look great, but the quality is really unknown. I did notice that the love holes seem small and undetailed, with mixed LHP between bodies. For now, they’re more of a brand to look at and admire from a distance.

You can find Yearndoll at the reputable vendors: Kumadoll and Rosemarydoll.

Thoughts on Yearndoll or their oral structure heads? Comment below!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. IconOkee

    Articulated fingers, movable jaws, sucking vaginas, moving hips, moans, body heating, gel fillers, etc. What’s next? Closable eyes? Malleable wires inside the lips to change the mouth’s expressions? robotics? Moving eyeballs that make eye contact? I should get more hobbies.

  2. ItsAme

    They desperately need to fix the neck height though, the doll head sits ridiculously high up, doesn’t flush with the neck at all and it’s super long to begin with. Easily the biggest issue they have right now even if their dolls look pretty good.

  3. Robert

    Is that true that they used AI for the Y205 head? The only pictures I see with the Y205 is with the 151 body on both cosdoll and kumadoll, are they only AI?


      Hi Robert,
      The photos were manipulated in some way with AI to add the clothing. I don’t know how much was altered exactly but the photos seem very unnatural to me. Although the head and body will probably look similar, I would wait for a new photoset.

  4. Stan

    My personal opinion both Yearndoll and Cosdoll are subsidiaries of SYDoll.


      Hi Stan,
      That’s an interesting theory. Do you have any evidence that shows their connection? I’m still figuring out which factory they’re made in. I don’t think they’re related since SY doesn’t have silicone bodies yet.

      1. David

        It can be confirmed that Cosdoll and SY Doll are different factories. As an unpopular shop operator 😅(bettersexdoll), I have had previous collaborations with both of these factories.

        1. SEXDOLLS

          Hi David,
          Thanks for the confirmation. I didn’t think they were connected. If possible, can you share Cosdoll’s factory name with me? My guess right now is they’re connected to Lifanou/Rifrano. Figuring out the factory is one way to determine the quality. Thanks.

          1. David

            Your guess is correct. Cosdoll comes from the Rifrano factory.

            1. SEXDOLLS

              Thank you very much for the confirmation. I guess that checks all the boxes: the green factory floors and the knockoff Cosdoll brand I saw years ago. Made by Lifanou (Rifrano brand), they’re basically like SY and Aibei, who started off making knockoff dolls, and later their own original dolls. Basically, a risky brand, with very mixed reviews – mostly bad (like the quality being so bad that Chinese customers would throw them out on the first day). Therefore, I can’t recommend them unless you do some research first or want to gamble. A shame because their photos look so good. Maybe their silicone dolls are better, but I’ve only seen reviews of their TPE dolls.

              1. Robert

                That’s a shame, I was somewhat interested in that brand. Will you keep covering news about them or will you for the time being stop now that you know the factory behind them?

                1. SEXDOLLS

                  Hi Robert,
                  I’ll still cover them if they release something interesting. There’s many brands I don’t really follow, such as Climax Doll, Qita, SY, etc, but if they release something interesting like “ROS” or SY’s celebrity heads, I usually show them. Actually, I haven’t followed YearnDoll in a while until I noticed their ROS heads recently.

      2. Stan

        CUDOLL and COOBYDOLL are maybe under SY.

  5. Arnold

    The 163 body looks very sexy.

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